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农田节水灌溉设备 关于农田节水灌溉技术的探讨

发布时间:2019-02-14 06:11:08 浏览数:

  摘要:节水灌溉技术是比传统的灌溉技术明显节约用水和高效用水的灌水方法,措施和制度等的总称。是否节约灌溉用水,用水是否高效是以单位作物产量总耗水量(从水源算起直到田间)多少来衡量,或者,以单位耗水量所取得的产值多少来衡量。因为节水与否和高效与否,都是相对的概念,所以节水灌溉技术也是不断发展,其效率也是不断提高的。 本文介绍了某灌区的自然状况、气候条件、地质条件,分析了水田节水灌溉的现状,提出了水田节水灌溉的工程措施。
  Abstract: water saving irrigation technology is better than the traditional significantly save water and irrigation technology and efficient water use of irrigation methods, measures and the floorboard of the system. If saving irrigation water, water is high efficiency is based on unit crop yield water consumption is (count from water until the field) how many to measure, or, with the unit has how much water consumption value to measure. Because water saving or not and efficient or not, is a relative concept, so water saving irrigation technology and development, its efficiency is also improve. This paper introduces the natural condition, a irrigation area of the climate conditions, geological conditions, this paper analyzes the paddy fields of water-saving irrigation present situation, proposed the paddy fields of water-saving irrigation engineering measures.
  Keywords: farmland; Saving water; irrigation
  中图分类号: S27 文献标识码:A文章编号:
  1、 概述
  1.1 自然状况
  该灌区以某水库(中型)补水为辅助水源,总面积1.3×104 hm2 ,设计灌溉面积1.1×104 hm2 。气候属于寒温带大陆性气候,冬季漫长、严寒少雪,夏季炎热多雨、气候多变。
  1.2 地质条件
  灌区地下水并不丰富,主要含水层为埋厚30~110为的粉细砂、中砂含水层,单层厚度7~26 m不等,成井深度110~150 m,涌水量25~60 t/h,砂和砂砾透水层厚度为3~6 m不等,灌区内地下水质量好,矿化度

推荐访问:农田 节水灌溉 探讨 技术

