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【巧积累,灵活用,写好“经历”类段落】 资本积累的含义是什么

发布时间:2019-05-22 06:47:04 浏览数:

高考英语读写任务写作中主要涉及到以下几种写作内容:分析利弊,提出观点或建议;讲述某次经历,谈体会;举事例,说明现象或道理;假设情景谈做法并讲述理由等等。其中,经历类写作往往成为大部分考生的“软肋”,以下是一位学生关于写“自己梦想成真”经历的作文:When I was a little child, I wanted to see the beautiful sun on the beach. I asked my mother to take me there. Later my mother took me to Hainan for a holiday. Finally, I enjoyed the wonderful sunrise!此文可以反映出目前考生在讲述某次真实或虚构的经历时,由于平时缺乏有效的积累和生活经历,在写作中无法构想出符合写作要求和完整的情节,只能用2-3句就匆匆完成经历段落的写作,显得空洞且没有代表性。或者有考生一味在拼凑一些对答,以其增加段落的篇幅,但往往让阅卷老师看出破绽。另外,讲述经历时,文章需要用到一般过去时态,而考生没有形成写作的自我监控意识,容易直接使用一般现在时,同时在动词的选用和用法方面也不尽人意。笔者根据《普通高中课程标准》提供的话题项目,结合考题贴近学生生活的命题规律,总结出一些常考的“经历”类写作话题,并利用一些范文进行灵活的转变,以期鼓励学生在平时的课外阅读中积极积累有用、实用、通用的素材,在讲述经历时有话可说,写得流畅、自然。“帮助”类话题:命题人可能要求考生讲述自己帮助别人、别人帮助自己、互帮共赢、帮助陌生人、得到别人的鼓励和支持,在自己和别人的努力下达成目标、值得感激或感恩等的某次具体经历。“美德”类话题:美德一般涉及到诚信、心灵美、责任心、态度、善良、爱心、好习惯等方面。命题人可能要求考生描述经历,说明如何做个诚实或受欢迎的人、诚信给人带来的好处、缺乏某种美德给生活带来的影响、如何看待内在美与外在美的关系、好习惯助于达成目标等。“难忘”类话题:难忘的经历可以是多式多样的,比如难忘得到别人的帮助或鼓励、难忘在自己的不懈努力下实现了目标、难忘第一次做……的过程、难忘克服难题或心理紧张的经过、难忘友情给予的感动、难忘父母的关爱、难忘被欺负或被误会的经历、难忘由于作弊而受到的惩罚……几乎所有的生活经历只要通过在文章中使用一些关键词眼,都可以成为是难忘的经历。除了根据题目话题的需要选取适合的写作素材外,考生还需要把握经历类写作的模式:先简述事件的经过,不宜长篇大论,只需包含“什么时间或背景?谁干了什么事?结果如何?”等。从篇幅的角度来看,经历段一般是5到7行的长度为宜。看下文:There was a time when I was very poor at English. I usually felt discouraged every time I got the poor grade in the exams. However, it was my classmate Helen who came to give a hand to me. With one exam coming, she gave me a lot of guidance and advice in English learning with great patience. To my delight, I was able to pass the exam for the first time with her selfless help. I was so grateful to her from the bottom of my heart.此文讲到的学习经历是学生比较熟悉的写作内容,可以用于讲述感激别人的帮助或别人的鼓励促进成功或朋友间的情谊等经历。又如:On a very hot afternoon, I went climbing together with my parents. Before setting off, I boosted to them that I would get to the top of the hill without any rest. However, it was shortly after we started climbing that I began to feel breathless and tired, wanting to have a break. Just then, my father patted me on the shoulder and encouraged me to keep on. Regaining energy gradually, I finally got to the top and enjoyed the wonderful view. Thanks to my father’s encouragement and support, I made it.此文讲到的是校外的生活经历,可用于讲述通过自己的努力克服困难或别人的支持和鼓励促进成功等经历。除了通过学习历次考试中的优秀考场作文外,考生还可以利用备考过程中做过的阅读文章提取有关人生、人性“真善美”的故事情节。如2010山东高考的完形填空题讲述作者在一次舞蹈表演中失误,从自信到沮丧到最后克服尴尬顺利完成演出的经历。考生可以尝试写成以下文章,用于讲述在别人的鼓励或建议下克服自己内心的恐惧和尴尬,最后获得成功的经历。Once upon a time, I was lucky to participate in a dance competition. After weeks of preparation, I wanted to show off my efforts to my classmates and teachers. However, performing on the stage, I missed a step and slipped. Fearing being laughed by the audience, I was terribly embarrassed. Just then, I remembered being told by my teacher to keep smiling if I made a mistake. So I did my best to follow her advice and continued with the dance smoothly. 同时,考生还可以在上文素材的基础上,进行灵活的修改,写成一次永不放弃,克服困难最后成功的难忘经历:Once upon a time, I was given a chance to participate in a dance competition. In order to perform well, I practised very hard every day after school. On the arrival of the competition, I was so nervous that I trembled terribly and even wanted to quit the competition. My teacher noticed it and comforted me that if I tried my best, everything would go on well. Hearing her words, I calmed myself down and managed to complete the whole dance perfectly. I would never forget that day!当然,考生还需要根据要点写好每个正文段落的开头句或过渡句,因此在引出经历前,需要先用一句话来点明主题、承上启下,自然过渡到经历的讲述。比如,2012年广州市调研考试要点“(2)请结合你的生活经历阐述‘制定规划与达成目标’之间的关系”。参考范文应该为:As a matter of fact, making a good plan makes it easier for us to achieve success. Take me as an example. As a junior student, I achieved considerable success in learning English through the combination of hard work and planning. I prepared good materials with the help of my teacher, made plans for my daily study and self-monitored the whole process of my learning. I made rapid progress and became very confident. I think I couldn’t have done it without a good plan.要想在考场中写出可以得到高分的作文,考生归根到底还是要进行积极的素材积累和基本功的扎实巩固。只有通过灵活运用适合的素材,突出写作要点的关键词,考生才能以清晰的思路和正确的表达赢得作文的高分!(作者单位:广州市第89中学)责任编校 蒋小青

推荐访问:写好 段落 灵活 积累

