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高血压伴变异型心绞痛 [原发性高血压患者血压变异性与血清TNF-α、IL-6、hs-CRP关系的研究]

发布时间:2019-03-10 06:28:13 浏览数:

  [摘要] 目的 探讨原发性高血压患者血压变异性(blood pressure variability,BPV)和炎症标志物TNF-α、IL-6、hs-CRP之间的联系。 方法 62例原发性高血压患者均进行24 h动态心血压监测和清晨空腹采血,采用双抗体夹心ABC-ELISA法检测血清IL-6和TNF-α水平;免疫透射比浊法检测血清高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)水平。BPV通过计算标准差(standard deviation,s)和血压变异系数(coefficient of variation,CV)获得。 结果 血压(BP)和TNF-α表达水平明显相关;IL-6表达水平和日间收缩压的s和CV相关,但和BP没有相关性;hs-CRP与BP及血压的s和CV均无明显相关性。相关性分析显示,日间收缩压的s(β = 0.066, P = 0.002)和年龄(β = 0.025, P = 0.018)均与IL-6呈明显正相关;日间舒张压(β = 0.031,P = 0.002)独立相关于TNF-α。 结论 原发性高血压人群中BPV与炎症标志物存在相关关系,提示高血压和靶器官损伤之间的联系可能与炎症的发生发展相关。
  [关键词] 原发性高血压;血压变异性;炎症
  [中图分类号] R544.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(b)-0039-03
  Research on the association between blood pressure variability and TNF-α, IL-6, hs-CRP in essential hypertension patients
  WANG Jiaci LIU Bayi LI Jiangong
  Department of Intensive Care Unit, Chinese Medical Hospital of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, Zhongshan 528400, China
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the association between blood pressure variability(BPV) and inflammatory marker in hypertensive patients. Methods 62 cases of essential hypertension patients were performed 24 h ambulatory BP monitoring. Inflammatory markers were evaluated by measuring plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-6, tumornecrosis factor (TNF)-α by a dual antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); levels of high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) were mesaured by immunoturbidimetry. BPV was obtained by calculating within-subject standard deviation (s) and coefficient of variation of BP. Results A significant association between ambulatory BP and TNF-α level was identified, while the BPV index was linked to IL-6 level, but no association was observed between BP and IL-6 level. However, no significant correlation was found between the hs-CRP concentration and the BP standard deviation or BP variability. Multiple linear regression models revealed that the s of daytime systolic BP (β = 0.066, P = 0.002) and age (β = 0.025, P = 0.018) were all positively and significantly related to IL-6. In contrast, only daytime diastolic BP (β = 0.031, P = 0.002) was independently related to TNF-α. Conclusion Infiammatory markers TNF-α, IL-6 are associated with BPV in essential hypertension patients. This finding implies that development of the infiammation would be correlated with the link between BPV and target organ damage.
  [Key words] Essential hypertension; Blood pressure variability; Infiammation
  临床原发性高血压后继发靶器官损伤的机制,一直以来都是国内外学者研究的热点之一。Chae等[1]研究发现,升高的血压和血压变异性(blood pressure variability,BPV)可能促进白介素在内皮细胞中的表达并刺激炎症反应发生,体内炎症标志物表达升高。大量研究表明,BPV与高血压靶器官损伤以及心血管事件密切相关,导致心肌肥厚或颈动脉粥样硬化等[2-3]。此外,具有更宽范围BPV的高血压患者比那些血压变异程度较小者的心血管事件发生率更为频繁[4]。目前,对于高血压患者的血压变异和炎症之间的关系,尚缺乏足够的论证,由此进行本研究以探讨原发性高血压患者中BPV和炎症之间的关系。
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料
  选择2008年8月~2010年5月在我院就诊的原发高血压患者,入选标准:3次非同日血压均为SBP≥140 mm Hg或DBP≥90 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)。排除标准:患者服用了抗高血压药物;继发性高血压,或在前3个月内发生过心肌梗死等心血管事件;有临床症状明显的血管或心脏性疾病、心衰(心功能Ⅲ~Ⅳ级)、肾功能不全(血清肌酸酐≥2.5 mg/dL)、肝衰竭、未能控制的糖尿病和接受可能影响白介素血清浓度的药物(如抗生素、他汀类药物等);患有急性炎症、感染或创伤。所有患者均为知情同意。
  1.2 动态血压监测及血样收集
  技术人员将袖套放在受试者的非优势手臂,采用动态血压监测仪监测血压,血压监测从上午7∶00至次日上午7∶00。监测期间患者可从事日常活动但避免高强度剧烈活动。动态监测设计编程为日间每30分钟测量1次,夜间每60 min测量1次。排除超过15%的错误率或丢失的记录。血压监测所得参数包括日间(7∶00~24∶00)和夜间(0∶00~7∶00 )的平均收缩压与舒张压及其标准差(standard deviation,s)。BPV由以下计算得出:①s;②24 h收缩和舒张压变异系数(coefficient of variation,CV;CV= s/mean value×100%)。所有患者均在清晨空腹静脉穿刺采血,离心,分离血清并放入-70℃冰箱保存。
  1.3 测量方法
  采用双抗体夹心ABC-ELISA 法检测血清IL-6和TNF-α水平,试剂盒购自上海森雄科技实业有限公司;免疫透射比浊法检测hs-CRP水平,检测仪器为OLYMPUS AU640全自动生化分析仪;试剂、校准品及质量控制品均使用与试剂配套的产品,购自上海科华生物试剂公司。
  1.4 统计学方法
  采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件进行数据分析,所有资料均以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,在校正了其他因素后采用线性回归分析BPV与各炎症标志物的相关性。在调节年龄、性别、体重指数、吸烟和靶标器官损伤(LVH,蛋白尿)等因素后,采用多元线性回归分析炎症标志物与BP或BPV相关性。P   [6] Eto M,Toba K,Akishita M,et al. Reduced endothelial vasomotor function and enhanced neointimal formation after vascular injury in a rat model of blood pressure lability [J]. Hypertens Res,2003,26(12):991-998.
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  (收稿日期:2012-01-05 本文编辑:程 铭)

推荐访问:变异性 原发性 血清 高血压患者

