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发布时间:2019-01-20 06:14:59 浏览数:

  穿村而过的清漾大溪 Yantou Village cradles Qingyang Stream.      岩头村为奉化市溪口镇辖地,村中文化厚积,被列为浙江省历史文化名村。人文胜迹映衬着山水风光,古韵新貌交汇,今日岩头山乡分外娇丽。人们在溪口国家5A级旅游景区休闲之后,到距离溪口11公里的岩头村,亲近自然,领略人文,徜徉于江南山水如画的美景中,自会感受不虚此行。
  An ancient well in the street of Yantou Vil-lage
  临溪而建的古老东街,两边的店铺相距只有一根扁担宽一点,却比水乡周庄不到一根扁担要宽。这里终究留下了已经远去的山乡记忆符号。民谣称:“岩头风光真正好,上有寺院下有庙,七场水碓呱呱叫,十张竹排直通萧王庙。 ”
  如今开发岩头古村旅游,风景名胜古迹众多,广济桥古树倩影,清风寺竹海栖云,石泉清幽依旧,瑞房古朴伟岸,处处有文化支撑。人们在象鼻山上的礼佛亭,可观看雪窦山的露天弥勒大佛,那坐姿佛像高56米,笑容可掬。相传奉化布袋和尚是弥勒的化身,全国有名的寺院多有弥勒佛像,旁有楹联:“大肚能容,容天下难容之事;慈颜含笑,笑世间可笑之人。 ”弥勒在奉化好事多多,对岩头似乎厚爱有加,宋代在岩头村西南有西峰寺,传说有只三脚虎,凶狠残暴,常在夜间蹿进村里吃人。弥勒知情后,赶到西峰寺岩壁边三脚虎出没处,笑嘻嘻地坐于袋口,三脚虎中计进袋,不能出来。岩壁奇怪地变成岩洞,那里曾称为布袋岩洞。过去还有弥勒诱虎塑像。如今一方安宁,成了深山移民的住处。毛伟丰一家走出世代居住的高山,住在那里安居乐业。那一排排新居,面向茂密的竹林,环境幽美。
  岩头村一角 A view of Yantou Village
  带回字的发展理念:“走出去学经验, 42
  来提水平,提上来理思路,沉下去干实事。 ”村干部组织村民延长产业链,开发旅游产品,种好奉化有名的土特产水蜜
  毛福梅故居“素居”The former residence of Mao Fumei
  美景美事美山乡,今日在建设幸福新农村的岩头人,正传承历史,开拓创新,意气风发地奔向新征途。 □
  Yantou Village Epitomizes
  Republican Years
  By Hui Quan
  Yantou is a scenic village in Xikou, a rural township in Fenghua in eastern Zhejiang Province. Yantou is actually a small part of the history of the Republic of China (1911-1949) as it is only 11 kilometers from Xikou, the hometown of Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975), China’s top leader for more than two decades before 1949 and leader of Taiwan until 1975. Chiang Kai-shek grew up in Xikou and he retired to Xikou several times during the last years of his stay on the mainland before he
  fled to Taiwan in 1949. His first wife Mao Fu-mei was a resident of Yankou.
  Yantou strides a stream, which is called is Qingyang Stream, named after Qingyang Village where one branch of the Mao clan originated. According to the multi-volume clan genealogy preserved at Qingyang Village in Jiangshan City in southern Zhe-jiang Province, Mao Zedong’s ancestors first lived in the village before they moved northward and finally settled down at Sha-oshan in central China’s Hunan Province. It turned out that the Mao families in Yantou are also descendents of the Mao clan of Qingyang Village. According to the clan genealogy, Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek were relatives because Chiang’s first wife Mao Fumei was a distant cousin of Mao Zedong, though the family ties of the political archrivals of the 20th century China were not known to the public until a few years ago. Cultural Dialogue featured
  This government billboard an-nounces that Mao Sicheng came out as a provincial graduate in the impe-rial examination.
  a story about the Mao clan genealogy of Qingyang Village in the issue of July 2008 and featured a story about Mao Zedong’s grandson’s visit to the family roots at Qingyang in the issue of August 2009.
  Today, Yantou has 37 residence court-yards that go back at least to 100 years ago. Mao Fumei’s family residence still stands. After Chiang Kai-shek divorced Mao Fumei, he made arrangements so that the ex-wife remained a member of the Chi-ang family. She lived in Chiang’s home in Xikou until she died in a bombing in 1938. After Chiang and Mao got married, Chiang stayed in Yantou to study classics and his wife, senior by five years, took care of him. The son from the marriage of Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Fumei was Chiang Ching-Kuo (1909-1988), who visited and stayed at his mother’s house at Yantou frequently.
  At Yantou, two streets run in parallel along Qingyang Stream. The stream is about 20 meters across at the widest spot. In some places, stepping stones are used for villagers to walk across the stream. Boul-ders in the stream take various shapes, set-ting some people’s imagination free.
  The two streets were built in the early years of the Republic. There is a well in the street where passers-by drank in the past. At the entrance to the village stands a rock with an inscription by Mao Yupei, a master calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), who enjoyed a big reputation in Zhe-jiang and Jiangsu provinces. Chiang Kai-shek once wrote a short poem in praise of the water.
  The former residence of Mao Sicheng is a cultural monument of Yantou. Mao Sicheng was Chiang Kai-shek’s first teacher, who ran a private school at home. A naughty boy, Chiang Kai-shek in his boyhood years was turned down by some schools close to his hometown Xikou. He finally came to the school of Mao Sicheng, 11 kilometers away from his home. Of all the teachers Chiang had in his lifetime, Mao Sicheng was most respected by Chiang. Chiang Kai-shek later gave his teacher 44 volumes of his diary he wrote before 1926 and other documents in his personal archive such as notes, let-ters of appointments, and letters from Dr. Sun Yat-sen. All together, the archive at the residence had 188 historical volumes. In 1966, the precious files were in the danger of being torched. The files were saved and later returned to the care of Mao Ding, the grandson of Mao Sicheng. The 188 volumes have been donated to the Number Two Na-tional Archives in Nanjing. The diaries and other documents have been the sources of many books on Chiang Kai-shek published on the mainland.
  Yantou used to be a marketplace for vil-lages deep in mountains inaccessible by wide roads. In the past, the village boasted two banks, three rice shops, three butchers’ shops, three herbal medicine shops, four southern delicacies shops, and some gro-cery shops to cater to the customers from mountain villages. At that time, Yantou had 240 households and villagers ate meat only a few times around the year. What makes the shops look unique and homey is that the main street on the east side of the stream is only about two meters wide.
  In those years, bamboo rafts were most convenient means of transport in Yantou. Nowadays, bamboo rafts can only be seen at one place around Xikou. Yantou used to have a rafters guild. They shipped bamboos, firewood, charcoals out of mountains and shipped rice, cotton and herbal medicines into the mountains. Nowadays, rafts are used for pleasure tours on the stream. It is a big attraction for tourists.
  Yantou is no longer a trade center as it was a century ago. Yantou has turned itself into a tourist attraction. From a pa-vilion near the village, tourists can see the 56-meter-tall statue of Maitreya in Xuedou Mountain at Xikou. Yantou is now the larg-est administrative village in Xikou with 592 households, a population of 2,400. Village economy is flourishing. In addition to tourism, it is home to 53 private businesses. Many young people go outside to do business. Some run their enterprises overseas. Educa-tion is still a big tradition of Yantou. □=

推荐访问:魅力 岩头村

