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发布时间:2019-02-22 06:26:02 浏览数:

  一直以来,“工作”并不是人类的专利或特权。你可能不知道,在某些领域,某些职业或岗位的最佳“人”选并不是人类,也不是机器人或仪器,而是动物。      After the Pentagon1) announced, somewhat sheepishly2), that after $19 billion and six years of research, they had concluded that the best bomb-detecting device is a dog, we got to thinking: what other instances are there in which you"d reach not for a traditional tool, but for an animal?
  Dolphins of War
  The U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program (NMMP), based in San Diego, CA, began in 1960 when the military examined the Pacific White-sided Dolphin, trying to figure out the secret to its hydrodynamic3) body with the aim of improving torpedo4) performance. (Given 1960s technology, the NMMP never managed to solve the puzzle.) That later expanded to other marine mammals of the Pacific, especially other dolphins and California sea lions, which led to the discovery that these animals are not only trainable but fairly reliable even while untethered5) in the open ocean.
  The NMMP states that, despite rumors, marine mammals have never and will never be used as weapons themselves. No attack dolphins.
  So what does the NMMP do now? Dolphins are used as undersea mine detectors, even finding more than 100 in the Persian Gulf during the Iraq War in 2003. Dolphins and sea lions are used as sentries6) to find and alert the military to unauthorized swimmers and divers, and sea lions are used to retrieve objects from the ocean depths (at this they do better than human and robotic swimmers by a fair margin).
  Mites in Your Cheese
  Cheese is weird already. The fermentation7) of milk products that leads to our seemingly infinite varieties of cheeses is a process of controlled rot8), thanks to friendly bacteria. But this cheese, known as mimolette9), has a rather ... bigger friend. The cheese mite10).
  Cheese mites are in the same family as less-desirable beasts like lice11) and ticks12), but in the case of mimolette, they"re invaluable. Cheese mites are introduced intentionally to mimolette, where they dig into the rind13) of the cheese, eating greedily on it and finally dying after two weeks, leaving behind a dusty skeleton. Hard-core14) cheesemongers15) believe that mimolette gains flavor, aroma16), and especially its hard grey rind from the cheese mites. Mimolette isn"t the only cheese to use mites.
  Pest Control
  What"s the best way to get rid of an animal? The answer is ... another animal. Frankian is a licensed falconer17) and pest control expert. His methods of getting rid of animals (most often birds like seagulls and geese, but also skunks18), beavers, raccoons19), and more) are frequently more humane as well as more effective than other methods. And his methods rely heavily on raptors20) and other animals.
  Birds can be legitimately21) dangerous, especially overpopulated species like gulls and geese. Parks and bodies of water can be swiftly polluted by geese, which excrete22) more than two pounds a day, and they often cause auto accidents. Modern methods of ridding areas of these pests often fall back on killing en masse23) with nets, or using mechanical devices, often audio-based, to scare pests away. Frankian does, in a Bond-like way, have a rare "license to kill" from the Canadian government, but says it"s more effective to scare. "You can kill all of them, if you want," he says. "They won"t learn. Scaring them is faster."
  Frankian has more than 100 raptors, mostly hawks and falcons24) but also including a few owls and even three bald eagles25), as well as five dogs. Basically, he stakes out26) territory, flying the hawk around the entire area to be monitored. Once a gull sees a raptor acting this way, marking its territory and even hunting a bird or two, it"s unlikely to come back―whereas a simple kill trap would remove gulls but not discourage them from coming back.
  Sniffing Bombs
  Human innovations are pretty good at replacing some of our senses, especially sight and hearing, with mechanical or electronic equipment. But one sense in which natural, organic versions outstrip27) human inventions by a laughable degree is that of scent.
  The most sophisticated detectors ever invented can detect maybe 50% of IEDs28) in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to the Department of Defense. But a simple soldier accompanied by a trained dog can detect 80%.
  Dogs are ideal for this kind of work in the field, thanks to their physical endurance, easy trainability, and eagerness to please their handlers. But they"re not the only animals found to be far better at detecting explosives than anything we humans can come up with. In Israel, bomb-sniffing mice are being tested in airports, and early tests showed them detecting bombs 100% of the time.
  The Nose Knows
  Sniffing isn"t restricted to bombs. As it turns out, the noses of some animals are so delicate that they"re capable of smelling all kinds of things. It"s true: animals are capable of smelling disease.
  Tuberculosis (TB), a widespread and destructive disease, is especially common in the developing world, and the only detection methods available are nearly a century old and notoriously unreliable. Typically, TB is found using a microscope to a stained sample of phlegm29). But this method misses as many as 60% to 80% of cases, because there needs to be a very high number of the offending bacteria in the sample to spot. Even worse, microscopy30) is very slow, only able to sift31) through about 40 samples per day.
  The HeroRATs32) are better than this option in every conceivable33) way. Trained to spend longer at infected samples and scratch at them, they can test the same 40 samples in less than seven minutes. Not only that, but the rats were able to detect 44% more positive cases than microscopy. Plus, rats are cheap. The rats are affordable, far better than current options, and, come on, kind of adorable.
  说鸟类有害也不无道理,特别是像海鸥、大雁这样数量过多的鸟类。一只大雁每天排泄的粪便就要超过两磅,雁群瞬间就能将公园和水域污染个遍,而且它们还常常引发车祸。目前驱除这些鸟类常用的方法是设网集中捕杀,或是借助仪器设备(多可发声)吓跑它们。一如(电影《007》里的特工)邦德有一份“杀人执照”那样,弗兰克恩手上也有加拿大政府很少授予的动物捕杀执照。但弗兰克恩表示,吓唬手段更为有效。 “只要你想这么做,你可以把它们杀个精光,”他说,“但它们就是不长记性,不如吓唬这种手段来得更快。”

推荐访问:最擅长 动物 工作

