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发布时间:2019-05-20 06:39:41 浏览数:

  职业病(occupational disease、industrial disease或occupational hazard)是指企业、事业单位和个体经济组织的劳动者在职业活动中,因接触粉尘、放射性物质和其他有毒、有害物质等因素而引起的疾病。职业病防治法的修改,很可能将鼠标手(mouse hand)、颈椎病(tech neck)、(death from stress)等因工作或occupational activity(职业活动)引起的疾病纳入职业病范畴。我们在努力工作的同时要保持健康、珍惜生命。
  Kristen: Hey, Don! You’re back!
  Don: Yup, I’m back and going strong.
  Kristen: Yeah, I heard you’ve been under the weather. What was going on?
  Don: Well we 1)hit a rough patch with that project last quarter, and then things just went sideways with my health.
  Kristen: Stress?
  Don: Some of that. ①I just couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the project details.
  Kristen: ②It can be really tough to get a handle on things when you’re in that sort of headspace.
  Don: That’s exactly it—③you hit the mark. I felt like I was completely lost. ④Up a creek without a paddle.
  Kristen: So you took some time off?
  Don: I just had to. ⑤I was worried that they’d give me the axe, but they seemed to be pretty understanding of the whole thing.
  Kristen: Well occupational disease is such a big thing right now.
  Don: What do you mean? What’s “occupational disease”?
  Kristen: You know, stuff like tech neck or mouse hand.
  Don: I’ve never even heard of those being diseases.
  Kristen: Basically it’s about office-related health issues, like what you were going through with the stress. In fact, stress is a huge problem right now. There have even been a series of deaths caused by stress.
  Don: You’re kidding me?
  Kristen: No joke. It’s a killer.
  Don: But you were saying it’s a big thing?
  Kristen: Yeah, they’re starting to include this stuff in the worker protection laws.
  Don: Well that’s great to hear!
  Kristen: Absolutely. But it’s still virgin 2)territory and they’re just taking it one step at a time from what I understand.
  Don: Are people getting 3)compensation?
  Kristen: ⑥It’s hit and miss. Right now it depends on whether or not you can prove that it was caused by the job. ⑦And sometimes the paperwork is so extensive that the cake’s not worth the candle.
  Don: I can see where that might stop people.
  Kristen: Shouldn’t be any problem for you. I saw the details of that contract you were working out. I don’t think you’ll have any problem proving your stress was work-related.   Don: Haha, nope, probably not. Anyway, I’d better get back to my desk.
  Kristen: See you!
   Smart Sentences
  ① I just couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the project details. 我只是似乎无法思考这个项目的具体细节。
  wrap one’s head around sth.: be able to understand sth.(弄清楚某事)。例如:
  He’s tried to explain the rules of chess several times but I just can’t get my head around them.
  ② It can be really tough to get a handle on things when you’re in that sort of headspace.处于这样的状态,确实很难集中精神处理事情。
  get a handle on sth.: have a way of approaching a problem(有解决问题的办法)。例如:
  Once you get a handle on online shopping, you will love it for sure.
  ③ You hit the mark. 你说得对。
  hit the mark: to be correct(正确)。例如:
  You hit the mark when you said Lin Dan deserves all the honors because he has been working very hard over the years.
  ④ Up a creek without a paddle. 就像在划无桨之船。
  up a creek without a paddle: without necessary resources to finish a job(划无浆之船,缺乏完成工作所必需的工具)。例如:
  The annual sales report due next Monday? Man, with no numbers, no background materials, how am I supposed to do it? I’m up a creek without a paddle.
  ⑤ I was worried that they’d give me the axe.我担心公司会把我辞退。
  give sb. the axe: fire sb. from the job(辞退某人)。例如:Mr. Black finally gave Tom the axe, after repeated complaints from customers and colleagues.
  ⑥ It’s hit and miss. 有时能,有时不能。
  hit and miss: sometimes successful and sometimes not(时而成功,时而不成功)。例如:
  My father’s stock market predictions have been hit and miss over the years.
  ⑦ And sometimes the paperwork is so extensive that the cake’s not worth the candle. 有时候要提供的书面文件太多而得不偿失。
  the cake’s not worth the candle: the result is not worth the effort put in to achieve it(不值得做的,划不来)。例如:
  There’s no need to input and print out the report. The cake is not worth the candle—I can just draw two charts at the conference.

推荐访问:职业病 杀手 健康

