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diy手工皂制作方法配方 [实用口语:“手工”皂英文怎么说?]

发布时间:2019-01-04 06:34:05 浏览数:


手工的,人工的,可以用handmade,manual,by hand,handworked表示。
1、【handmade】Handmade objects have been made by someone using their hands or using tools rather than by machines. 手工制作的
Because they"re handmade, each one varies slightly.
For the past couple of years, I"ve been earning "mad money" by selling handmade jewelry online, and it"s been going well enough that I think it would really take off if I do it full-time.
过去的两年中,我通过网上销售手工首饰,赚了点儿“小钱”,而且生意也一直不错。 所以,我觉得,如果我全职做这个的话,肯定会有很好的前景。
They invented the paper machine so they could mass-produce paper-- it didn"t have to be handmade anymore-- and they invented wood pulp paper so it didn"t have to be made out of cloth anymore.
handmade paper手工纸;手抄纸
delicate handmade baby dresses 精美的手工婴儿服装
1. ADJ Manual is used to talk about movements which are made by someone"s hands. 用手的
...toys designed to help develop manual dexterity.
2. ADJ Manual work is work in which you use your hands or your physical strength rather than your mind. 手工的; 靠劳力的
...skilled manual workers.
3. ADJ Manual means operated by hand, rather than by electricity or a motor. 用手操作的
There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.
与之对应的,批量生产可以用这些表示:batch process; batch-type production; batch manufacturing; mass-produce; produce on a large scale。
1、【large-scale】A large-scale action or event happens over a very wide area or involves a lot of people or things. 大规模的
...a large scale military operation.
2、【massive】Something that is massive is very large in size, quantity, or extent. (尺寸、数量、规模) 非常大的强调
There was evidence of massive fraud.
...massive air attacks.
3、【wholesale】You use wholesale to describe the destruction, removal, or changing of something when it affects a very large number of things or people. (破坏、迁移或变动) 大规模的强调
They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation.
4、【spacious】A spacious room or other place is large in size or area, so that you can move around freely in it. 宽敞的
The house has a spacious kitchen and dining area.
5、【Extensive】 advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article.

推荐访问:实用口语:“手工”皂英文怎么说? 手工皂英文包装 英文讨价还价实用口语

