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商务礼节美语第250期:Body,Language,身体语言,(中) 商务美语口语教材

发布时间:2018-10-17 06:39:16 浏览数:
英语口语网权威发布商务礼节美语第250期:Body Language 身体语言 (中),更多商务礼节美语第250期:Body Language 身体语言 (中)相关信息请访问英语口语网。


S: As a woman I find that I sometimes don"t get a good reaction from my handshakes.What am I doing wrong?

M: A woman naturally has a weaker grip than a man. I suggest you go ahead and use a little bit more force. That way, you"ll be noticed and taken more seriously.

A: And of course as a salesperson smiling is very important.

M: Oh yes, but it"s not just a smile....your entire face needs to light up, and you should remember to flash your teeth when you smile every now and then as it shows sincerity.

Sara说她跟客户握手好像从来都得不到什么强烈的反映,Monica建议她下次握手稍微用点劲,因为女性天生 has a weaker grip 握手的力量比较弱,握手有力才会让别人重视你,把你当真。除了站姿和握手外,面带微笑也很重要,而且 your entire face needs to light up 整个面目表情看起来都要很高兴,时不时还要露出牙齿微笑 flash your teeth,这样会显得更真诚。

J: What should I do with my hands when I"m talking to someone? My natural instinct is to make gestures.

M: Gestures are fine....just don"t overdo it. One easy thing to remember is called "mirroring" and basically it means you "mirror" or imitate the actions of the other person.

J: So if the other person is more animated you should be a bit livelier as well?

M: Exactly. But, never raise your hands higher than your chin when you gesture as this can look threatening.

S: Should I nod my head while I"m listening to another person speak?

M: Absolutely. It makes people feel that you"re listening, and that you agree. You can also slightly tilt your head to one side when listening as this indicates non-aggressive behavior.

Monica说,跟别人交谈时可以做些手势,但 don"t overdo it. 不要做过头。她还教给大家一种技巧,叫 "mirroring", 就是镜子 mirror 的后面加上 ing, 意思是跟对方学,如果对方说话眉飞色舞,你就也夸张一些;如果对方比较沉稳低调,你也要稍微稳重点,但要注意,never raise your hands higher than your chin. 做手势的时候,手千万不要高过下巴,因为这会让别人感觉威胁。听别人讲话还可以频频点头,让别人感觉你听得很认真。

A: Different cultures have different ideas about personal space. If the person seems to be moving away from you when you speak, maybe you are too close and the

推荐访问:商务礼节美语第250期:Body Language 身体语言 (中) 体会语言中的礼节

