老哥学习网 - www.lg9.cn 2024年05月12日 09:27 星期日
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【节假日期间铁路旅客运输方案日前出台】 《铁路旅客运输规程》

发布时间:2019-01-20 06:18:42 浏览数:

  清明小长假运输期限为4月1日至4日,五一小长假运输期限为4月28日至5月1日。铁路部门通过深入开展客运市场调查,充分用好铁路客户服务中心网站( www.12306.cn)平台,并借助媒体、网络、短信等多种方式,做好节假日期间列车开行等信息的发布工作。铁路部门还将强化售票组织,用好互联网售票、电话订票,合理设置各售票渠道车票预售期,提高互联网和电话售出车票比例。
  The minor vacation of Qingming’s transportation period is from April 1st to 4th, May Day Holiday’s transportation period is from April 28th to May 1st. Through expanding and deepen passengers transportation market research, the railway departments make full use of the platform Railway Customer Service Center website (www.省略), and release the information of train schedule during the holiday through the media, Internet, text messaging and other ways. The railway departments also strengthen the organization of ticket sale, making good use of internet ticketing and telephone booking, reasonable set the pre-sale period of ticket sale channels, improving the proportion of Internet and telephone ticket sale.

推荐访问:节假日 出台 日前 铁路

