老哥学习网 - www.lg9.cn 2024年05月20日 08:00 星期一
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[权长相合的带权无向图画图算法] dijkstra算法过程图解

发布时间:2019-01-17 19:43:54 浏览数:

  中图分类号: TP391.41文献标志码:A
  Weight.length consistent graph drawing algorithm for weighted undirected graphs
  ZHANG Wei, ZENG Rui.bi, HU Ming.xiao��*
  College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering,Wenzhou University, Wenzhou Zhejiang 325035, China
  As for the problem that weighted undirected graph’s output is necessary to demonstrate weights with edge lengths, a new algorithm for weighted undirected graphs based on genetic algorithm is proposed. The algorithm obtains the ideal vertex coordinates by the crossover and mutation on the vertex coordinate codings. The mutation operator combines the inconsistent mutation with single neighbourhood mutation. In the fitness function, four evaluation criteria are employed: the average distance of the vertex, the edge crossing number, the uniformity of the angles around the multi-degree vertex, and the uniformity of the ratios of edge weight and edge length. The experiment results show that the drawn graph by the proposed algorithm is feathered with edge-crossing-free, clear showing of branches and weight-length consistency. The visual output results of the algorithm are clear, visual optimized and especially faithful to weights. The algorithm is suitable to draw most kinds of weighted undirected graphs and can be used in undirected graph drawing methods and/or devices.Concerning the problem that the weighted undirected graph�s output is needed to demonstrate weights with edge lengths, a new algorithm for weighted undirected graphs based on genetic algorithm was proposed. The algorithm obtained the ideal vertex coordinates by the crossover and mutation on the vertex coordinate coding. The mutation operator combined the inconsistent mutation with single neighbourhood mutation. In the fitness function, four evaluation criteria were employed: the average distance of the vertex, the edge crossing number, the uniformity of the angles around the multi.degree vertex, and the uniformity of the ratios of edge weight and edge length. The experimental results show that the drawn graph by the proposed algorithm is featured with edge.crossing.free, clear showing of branches and weight.length consistency. The visual output results of the algorithm are clear, visually optimized and especially faithful to weights. The algorithm is suitable to draw most kinds of weighted undirected graphs and can be used in undirected graph drawing methods and/or prototypes.
  �Key words:
  weighted graph; undirected graph; genetic algorithm; graph drawing; weight.length consistency
  0 引言�
  1 算法描述�
  1.1 带权无向图的清晰度准则�
  1.2 遗传算法�
  遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法。遗传算法的基本要素包括:初始化、个体评价、选择运算、交叉运算、变异运算、终止条件判断等,其中评价函数(亦称适应度函数)的设计是影响算法效果的重要因素,本文的评价函数是清晰度准则的体现。�

推荐访问:相合 图画 算法 带权无

